Book Your Free Personalized Consultation

Zorka Studio is your professional, honest and reliable skincare provider

Taking the time to learn your skin’s specific needs will help you to choose the right options that will balance the skin, resulting in a healthier, more radiant complexion.

After the consultation and your first visit to Zorka Studio we’ll guide you through your entire skin care routine at home helping you setting up your daily and weekly procedures.

We discuss the plan of your treatment in Zorka Studio, considering your availability and skin care habits.

We select the creams, serums which fit your particular skin type and condition to achieve the best treatment outcome.

 Why Zorka Studio?

In addition to professional and effective services you will have your customized skin care routine plan to maintain a great results after the treatment in the office.

I look forward to hearing from you, and to showing you how I can help you look your best!

How long: 30 minutes

Price: free

Ready to request a free consultation?

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